Ten clean beauty products I’m obsessing over this month.
Read More11.20 What’s On My Nightstand

Six items I’m obsessing over this month, including an adult coloring book and an old-school game.
Read More7.20 What’s On My Nightstand: Camping Edition

After three-and-a-half months of quarantining, I wanted to take advantage of the open road and try to find a new horizon for our family. While it seems like an odd time to consider a summer vacation, I find that I do my best thinking when I can get outdoors and into nature. I knew the change of scenery would do us (well, me) good. Traveling by road with three children
Read More6.20 What’s On My Nightstand

Y’all (as we say in Texas), this has been quite the month! COVID-19 doesn’t seem to be easing up—cases in Texas are on a very fast rise—and we are all taking a hard look at ourselves and the racial bias in this country. It’s a heavy time, but I hope in a few years we can look back on Summer 2020 and be proud that we forged ahead with a
Read More5.20 What’s On My Nightstand

We’re still adjusting to the new normal over here—will life with coronavirus ever feel normal?—and it’s very evident by what’s on my nightstand. The six items I’ve been obsessing over lately focus on my mental and physical well being. (And one is courtesy of my kiddo.) Every day we are all just trying to keep it together. What about you? How are you feeling these days? Are you still quarantining
Read More3.20: What’s On My Nightstand

Well, folks. We’re living in a whole new world right now. This is absolutely crazy, and I hope everyone is doing okay. I’m sending solidarity to people who are working from home and homeschooling kiddos, and sending huge thank yous to all the brave healthcare workers, first responders, grocery store workers, and more, who are doing so much for our country right now. While it feels trivial to talk about
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Confession: I’m not a huge fan of Valentine’s Day. It feels so manufactured to me, probably because it is! But I do think the Hallmark holiday can be a good reminder to celebrate love. And you can tell from what’s on my nightstand this month that February is all about love—and I don’t just mean love with a partner. Loving yourself by indulging with self-care rituals and celebrating the love
Read More12.19: What’s On My Nightstand

As I mentioned last month, I’ve noticed that what’s on my nightstand is a perfect reflection of how I’m feeling and what I’m focusing on. This month, it’s all about reflection and self-care. The holidays always get me a little frazzled. I want to savor the last days of the year, but between all the shopping, holiday functions, the kids’ breaks from school, and trying to manage the blog, I
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