*Update: Out of respect for the protests, our book club zoom event was postponed until July 20th at 4:30pm PT. Join the N&G Bookclub to get info on how to RSVP xo – Gen
Hey Friends! I just wanted to follow up with everyone about the N&G Book club that we officially launched this month! Our first read: The Southern Book Club’s Guide to Slaying Vampires by Grady Hendrix. I couldn’t put this book down, day or night. It was such a fun rollercoaster ride and I appreciated the way Hendrix used his storytelling to address themes of racism, socioeconomic disparity, sexism and elitism. Albeit, with a vampire. 🙂 It’s a deep, dark and often quirky story that leaves you with the ending you deserve (even though you won’t want it to end!).
I loved everything about this book and cannot WAIT to hear your thoughts and opinions!
I’m also thrilled to share that the author, Grady Hendrix, will be sitting down with us for the first N&G book club Zoom event on July 20h at 4:30pm PT / 7:30pm ET. To participate, join the Now & Gen Bookclub on Goodreads and RSVP for the event. There will be a Zoom link to register. We’ll be chatting all about his supernatural thriller and the inspiration behind the book.

And don’t forget to friend me on Goodreads. In the Now & Gen Book Club group, you can meet other N&G book club members, find a special space to share your thoughts on what you’ve read so far, and vote on future books for us to read together.
Happy reading!
Troian J Miller
Cannot wait!! So excited to be on the zoom! I loved this book!! Couldn’t put it down at all. Can’t wait for the next book!
Michaela Kilbride
Wow I cannot wait for the Zoom event Gen 💛 I live in the UK, so will have to find out what time it is here when it is 9pm EDT. i am looking forward to reading the book and being part of a wider conversations about the themes and issues covered in the book. Hope you have an amazing weekend, love to you and your family xxxx
Troian J Miller
I cannot wait for the zoom! Excited to meet a new favorite author! We are staying in and staying safe! Love to you and your family!
Kim Jacobs
Thank you so much for including this book in Book Club. I started to read it and literally could not put it down until I was too sleepy to continue, and the I picked it back up first thing the next morning! I read the whole book in a day and a half. How long did it take you to read? I know you have more interruptions with your family. Did you convince your hubby to read it too?
I loved the characters and the whole sotry, cleverly woven together by Grady Hendrix. There were a few surprises, the first ws the biggest! There were times I found myself holding my breath and others were I was mentally shouting at the characters. I found myself sometimes identifying with Patricia, in her struggle to be taken seriously and her capitulation. The climax at the end built suspense and horror in just the right amounts.
I hope I can make it to the Zoom, which is around 11am Friday, my time here in Australia. Looking forward to the discussion.
Mary Jo Lemke
Gen, I really loved the book and the zoom webinar with Grady Hendrix. I really appreciate you setting this up with the author. I’m looking forward to reading more of his books. I’ve loved all of the books you picked so far! xo Mary Jo
Melanie Griggs
I loved this book, growing up in North and South Carolina, the cadence rang true even with the paranormal elements! I am In charge of my local book club pick for next month and I will definitely be sharing this book!