Yesterday, my baby turned three and tomorrow my eldest, Tom, will officially be an 8-year-old. Their birthdays are making me incredibly nostalgic. I’ve been going down the rabbit hole looking at all their baby pictures. It’s also made me reflective about motherhood and childbirth. Hearing others’ birth stories was so helpful and empowering for me. So, I wanted to share my birth stories with all of you. I grew up
Read MoreHow to Keep School Lunches Interesting

We’re a few months into the school year, and if you’re anything like me, packing lunches for the kids every day is getting O-L-D. I want to be that mom who packs something healthy, colorful, and exciting every day of the week, but it is so much harder than it looks! For school lunch inspiration and advice, I reached out to one of the best school lunch packers in the
Read MoreFrosted Pretzels Recipe

A quick, fun, easy dessert or snack recipe that you and your kiddos will love.
Read MoreDIY: Feathered Halloween Masks

Confession: I’m a huge stan of Martha Stewart. I used to hoard all her magazines growing up and could spend hours flipping through the pages. She has this inner toughness mixed with femininity that I admire. Not to mention all those amazing crafts! I’ve always found crafting fun and relaxing, especially when the items you make, like these Halloween masks, are pretty and usable. My friend Virginia Davidson saw these
Read MoreHomemade Salt Dough Ornaments

Salt dough ornaments are one of those crafts that look easy and fun to make…and they actually ARE. They also keep my kids occupied for hours, which feels like a major parenting win during the chaos of Christmas. In between sports and school they plop down at the table and pick up a brush and paint the ornaments. I’ve been letting my OCD guard down and leaving the drop cloth
Read More10 Toddler Shoes I Love

Whenever Odette runs out of eyesight, I’m 99% sure she’s in my closet pulling out shoes. I guess you could say the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree, because I love a good shoe—whether it’s a sky-high heel, classic Converse, or beat-up cowboy boots from my days on Wildfire. But nothing is cuter than a pair of toddler shoes. Something about the tiny footwear just makes my heart melt
Read MoreSimple’s Transition to Solids by Nicole Tubiola

Hey Guys! Here’s Part Two of my dear friend Nicole Tubiola’s Guest Blog. We met during our WILDFIRE days, and she came to my rescue to help me transition Odette into the solid food phase. Nicole runs a company called Simple that prepares baby meals for busy mamas in their homes and leaves these meals in their freezers. She created this amazing video with instructions below on how to cook and
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