I was looking through old pictures from last year and came across this one where I look like a reindeer in headlights. I was dealing with a severe cold, my daughter had just had her hair ripped out by a runaway vacuum (yep, it really happened), and both boys got a stomach bug. We’d hardly started the holidays and I could barely keep up. This year, I’m hoping things go
Read More10 Toddler Shoes I Love

Whenever Odette runs out of eyesight, I’m 99% sure she’s in my closet pulling out shoes. I guess you could say the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree, because I love a good shoe—whether it’s a sky-high heel, classic Converse, or beat-up cowboy boots from my days on Wildfire. But nothing is cuter than a pair of toddler shoes. Something about the tiny footwear just makes my heart melt
Read MoreHappy International Women’s Day! | VLOG: Reflections on the Women’s March

As you know, it’s International Women’s Day. I filmed a very personal vlog in January as I got to be included in one of the most powerful movements in history: The Women’s March. I was so proud to be walking among strong, underrepresented heroes that came out to march. We marched through the wet streets of Vancouver; no drop of rain could stop us. How lucky and grateful am I
Read MoreHear Us Roar: Reflections on the Women’s March

It’s been one year since the 2017 Women’s March. Last year following January 21, 2017, I could hear rumblings and tremors in the air for what felt like months. The earth felt like it was in the midst of an aftershock. Unlike a lot of causes where there is excitement followed by a lull, the Women’s March fueled and fanned a conflagration. It ignited voices, hearts, feelings, passions, and unity.
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