The holidays are upon us and so is the season of giving. I love giving gifts to family and friends, but I love giving to those in need more. I am so blessed with all that I have and there is nothing like sharing those blessings with others. It’s important to me that my children understand the importance of giving back. Though the boys may be young and Odette still

I have to be honest, Thanksgiving is probably my least favorite of all the holidays. The prep work leading up to a dinner where we sit and gorge until I feel sick sounds like a nightmare. I get anxious thinking about timing a turkey just right and sautéing vegetables that will compliment the aroma of the wine. So unfortunately, I don’t have much insight or festive and colorful thanksgiving cheer.
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Six years ago when I first embarked on my birthing journey, I realized how important it was to surround myself with a good support team. Not only was it important to have a great midwife (or doctor) and a compassionate and helpful partner or spouse, but I quickly discovered that it was also equally important to surround myself with a doula, friends, and anyone else who would encourage me, empower
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Teaching my kids compassion, love, and kindness is such a priority to me as a parent. I meditate with my little ones as often as possible.
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