For our book club, Katherine May and I chat about her book WINTERING and why we should all give ourselves permission to hibernate in certain seasons of life.
Read More7 Cozy Sweaters I’m Living in this Winter

Today I’m packing for a fun weekend away with Jared to celebrate our 10-year (!) anniversary. Some people love sunshine and beaches, but Jared knows that the way to my heart is a snowy mountain getaway. While everyone else is counting the days until spring, I’m all about curling up in front of a fire while wearing warm, cozy sweaters. It’s something I don’t get to do very often living in
Read MoreSoup Recipes To Warm The Season

To me, there is no better comfort food than a bowl of homemade soup. It reminds me of snowy winter days in Idaho and my mom’s caring hands. She would sauté aromatic vegetables, letting all the ingredients simmer and marinate while we were away at school until they made a delicious, rich broth. Coming in from the cold to the finished pot on the stove felt like such a treat,
Read MoreLast Minute DIY Delectables

Christmas is here and we’re coming up close to crunch time. Behind on making desserts for a holiday party or creating edible gifts? It happens. There is a solution: homemade goodies. I turned to my friend Lindsey Johnson (peep her Insta, @ladyinthewildwest) who happens to be one of my favorite creative bakers, and enlisted her to help with some last minute delectables that you too can make at home. I love
Read MoreGiving Back with Volvo

The holidays are upon us and so is the season of giving. I love giving gifts to family and friends, but I love giving to those in need more. I am so blessed with all that I have and there is nothing like sharing those blessings with others. It’s important to me that my children understand the importance of giving back. Though the boys may be young and Odette still
Read MoreGift List: My Winter Essentials In One Box

‘Tis the season! Which also means holiday shopping. I’m obsessed with finding just the right thing for just the right person, and the task is daunting. Over the years, I’ve found that picking out toys for my three children is relatively easy compared to shopping for my friends. What do you get the girls who have everything? Luckily I know a super cute one-stop-shop to end the struggle and save
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