

homestead wellness

Gift List: My Winter Essentials In One Box

‘Tis the season! Which also means holiday shopping. I’m obsessed with finding just the right thing for just the right person, and the task is daunting. Over the years, I’ve found that picking out toys for my three children is relatively easy compared to shopping for my friends. What do you get the girls who have everything? Luckily I know a super cute one-stop-shop to end the struggle and save

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homestead love wellness


I have to be honest, Thanksgiving is probably my least favorite of all the holidays. The prep work leading up to a dinner where we sit and gorge until I feel sick sounds like a nightmare. I get anxious thinking about timing a turkey just right and sautéing vegetables that will compliment the aroma of the wine. So unfortunately, I don’t have much insight or festive and colorful thanksgiving cheer.

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Happy, Healthy Home: My Go-To Natural Cleaning Products

I like to think about my home in the same, conscious way I think about my meals – I like my products as green and clean as possible. Often, we remove chemicals from our beauty routines or the produce we eat, while we ingest a ton of chemicals and environmental pollutants in our homes. Which is why I like all-natural, safe and healthy cleaning products. The days of toxic bleach

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What the Gluten

I’m not one to give into fads of any kind.  I find that when something is gaining a lot of chatter it usually makes me question the validity of it.  I’m also not one to jump on the band wagon with everyone else, because I believe diets are designed to fail.  If everyone is veering left, I usually end up going right. I kinda have a bit of a rebellious

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family homestead

Life Plus Three

All moms are unique and all moms fall into motherhood in their own way. For me it was a very thought out and planned decision; one that I took (and take) very seriously. I try and parent with as much thought and heart as I can dole out.  But because I am a parent to more than one child, it often means that I have to spread my love among

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My Austin Gems


Austin has long been famous for its amazing music scene and seriously good food (the surprisingly good barbecue had me at hello). It’s Austin’s unique creative texture that gives the city it’s alluring charm, and events like SXSW and ACL are just built in bonus points. Austin is brimming with inventive restaurant concepts from adventurous foodies, cool coffee spots, cocktail havens, and beloved food trucks that never compensate their Texas-bred

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Keeping a Planner

genevieve padalecki shares her favorite planners

Do you keep a planner? I do. I can’t live without one. I love having an open calendar where I can see all of my events and dates in one place. I use both a date book and a desk calendar. One I can bring with me on the go and the other is placed in a specific spot where I know I can look everyday. I also keep a

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