Gen has a wide-ranging conversation about environmentalism with TALES OF TWO PLANETS editor John Freeman and writer Aminatta Forna.
Read MoreIn Conversation with Jacqueline Woodson

Prolific author Jacqueline Woodson chats with Gen about her exquisite novel RED AT THE BONE, the N&G Book Club pick for October.
Read MoreIn Conversation with Leigh Stein

Author Leigh Stein discusses her smart, funny novel SELF CARE with the N&G Book Club.
Read MoreIn Conversation with Lisa Taddeo

Gen chats with author Lisa Taddeo about her powerful book, Three Women, the N&G Book Club pick for July.
Read MoreTurning Words Into Action

I have always prided myself on being informed, but, after listening, researching and looking inward this past week, I’ve realized that I still have a lot to learn (and unlearn) about being a true ally. That’s uncomfortable to admit. The perfectionist in me never wants to do or say the wrong thing. But I’m realizing that the only way to move forward in a meaningful way is to be willing
Read MoreMy Kind of Valentine’s Day

I sat down to write a Valentine’s Day blog post about the best gifts to give the ones you love, but…I got stuck. The truth is, I kinda hate Valentine’s Day. It feels so manufactured and cheesy, with overpriced roses, cliché jewelry and gimmicky prix-fixe dinner menus. Sure, I dutifully arm the kids with cutesy cards for their fellow classmates. (I do have a soft spot for the elementary school
Read MoreSimple Ways to Practice Gratitude

Thanksgiving gives us the opportunity to pause, sit down, and reflect on what we are thankful for. Every Thanksgiving, like many of you, my family has a tradition of going around the table to say what we’re grateful for. (Me? I’m most thankful when someone else does the cooking.) I know it’s a little cliché, but it’s a sweet ritual and I look forward to hearing what the boys come
Read MoreCelebrating Father’s Day

Marriage, like parenting, is messy, complicated, beautiful, emotional, and imperfectly perfect. We learn so much about ourselves through our relationships, for the people we do life with often hold up a mirror to our most triggering aspects. I experience wild comfort in knowing I married my best friend – someone who constantly reminds me that I’m enough, as I explore, evolve, and cultivate new sides of myself. As human beings,
Read MoreSelf Love and Healthy Boundaries with Terri Cole

As women, we’re programmed to be caretakers, so much so that many of us put others’ needs way above our own, running ourselves ragged to make everyone around us happy. But when we’re stretched so thin, how are we supposed to take care of ourselves? Licensed psychotherapist and love and relationship expert Terri Cole calls this phenomenon the “disease to please.” Her passion is helping women set boundaries and live
Read MoreResilience 101: How I am Raising Strong, Brave and Curious Kids

This is a sponsored post in partnership with the Nexcare Brand. All words and opinions are my own. When I was growing up in the Bay Area, we played outside constantly—climbing trees, making up games, riding bikes, you name it. My parents pushed us to go, go, go, to get out there, explore and be curious. With their guidance, I grew up with a fearless spirit that took me from
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