The third workout in our series focuses on biceps, triceps, and shoulders. This 10-minute circuit is genius because you can do it anywhere, you don’t need any equipment, and you are guaranteed to feel the burn. (My triceps were on fire after filming this video.)
Read MoreWorkouts You Can Do Anywhere: Booty

For the second video in our Workouts You Can Do Anywhere series with my friend and trainer Michelle Kuhnreich, we are focusing on my favorite body part: the booty! Since I’m a runner, I need strength and power in my lower body, and since I’m a busy mom, I need to work out those areas quickly and efficiently. At just 10 minutes long, this workout is the perfect way to
Read MoreWorkouts You Can Do Anywhere: Abs

I teamed up with my friend and trainer Michelle Kuhnreich to create four fast workouts you can do anywhere — and with limited time. Check out the first workout in the series and let us know what you think!
Read MoreHow We Traveled Safely

After three months in quarantine, we made the calculated risk to drive from Austin to New Mexico to Utah to Idaho to Montana and back. Keep reading for a look at how we traveled safely.
Read More7.20 What’s On My Nightstand: Camping Edition

After three-and-a-half months of quarantining, I wanted to take advantage of the open road and try to find a new horizon for our family. While it seems like an odd time to consider a summer vacation, I find that I do my best thinking when I can get outdoors and into nature. I knew the change of scenery would do us (well, me) good. Traveling by road with three children
Read MoreWhat It’s Like to be a Doctor on the COVID Frontline

I’m eternally grateful to all the brave doctors, nurses, and frontline workers who are facing COVID-19 head-on every day. One of them is my husband’s cousin Jeremy Padalecki, who is an ER physician. He works in freestanding emergency rooms throughout Texas, including in Corpus Christi, Austin, Round Rock, and Bryan. Personally, watching Jeremy graduate from medical school and witnessing him become the doctor he is today, I can attest to
Read More6.20 What’s On My Nightstand

Y’all (as we say in Texas), this has been quite the month! COVID-19 doesn’t seem to be easing up—cases in Texas are on a very fast rise—and we are all taking a hard look at ourselves and the racial bias in this country. It’s a heavy time, but I hope in a few years we can look back on Summer 2020 and be proud that we forged ahead with a
Read MoreThe Full-Body Stretch We All Need Right Now

Moving my body is something that’s really important to me, and I love to switch it up: running, yoga, classes, hikes. So exercising during quarantine has definitely been challenging. With nowhere to go, I’ve relied heavily on full-body stretch workouts from my friend and trainer Michelle Kuhnreich to fit in whenever and wherever (like the bathroom floor while I supervise the kids). It really doesn’t matter where I workout. Sometimes I just
Read More5.20 What’s On My Nightstand

We’re still adjusting to the new normal over here—will life with coronavirus ever feel normal?—and it’s very evident by what’s on my nightstand. The six items I’ve been obsessing over lately focus on my mental and physical well being. (And one is courtesy of my kiddo.) Every day we are all just trying to keep it together. What about you? How are you feeling these days? Are you still quarantining
Read More10 Postpartum Essentials

Since we just celebrated Mother’s Day, I want to highlight the importance of taking care of new moms and some postpartum essentials that can help ease the transition into motherhood. Sometimes, it feels like we worry so much about the baby that we forget about the person who just went through a grueling delivery. Giving birth is a life-changing event that should be openly discussed. It’s one of the most
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