
Workouts You Can Do Anywhere: Arms

The third workout in our series focuses on biceps, triceps, and shoulders. This 10-minute circuit is genius because you can do it anywhere, you don’t need any equipment, and you are guaranteed to feel the burn. (My triceps were on fire after filming this video.)

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fitness wellness

Workouts You Can Do Anywhere: Booty

For the second video in our Workouts You Can Do Anywhere series with my friend and trainer Michelle Kuhnreich, we are focusing on my favorite body part: the booty! Since I’m a runner, I need strength and power in my lower body, and since I’m a busy mom, I need to work out those areas quickly and efficiently. At just 10 minutes long, this workout is the perfect way to

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How We Traveled Safely

After three months in quarantine, we made the calculated risk to drive from Austin to New Mexico to Utah to Idaho to Montana and back. Keep reading for a look at how we traveled safely.

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N&G Gardening Challenge: Grow With Me!

This year has forced all of us to grow in ways we never imagined. So I figured, why not find a way to grow a little together? I’m partnering with my friend Natasha Nicholes to challenge all of you to commit to growing something—ANYTHING. It doesn’t matter if it blossoms, bears fruit or vegetables (or dies). Our only goal is to grow something together and learn from the experience.  My

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8 Loungewear Brands I’ve Lived in During Quarantine

Whether we’re at home or out on the road, I am not taking off my comfy clothes anytime soon. There isn’t really a good reason to dress up right now, other than remembering what it’s like to wear heels, makeup, or even a pair of denim. Maybe I’m just speaking for myself, but I’ve definitely been living in loungewear on repeat. And even though part of me is excited to

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