The city I call home is lucky to have a world-class spa right in it’s backyard. Lake Austin Spa Resort is consistently rated one of the best spas in the world—and for good reason. The 19-acre lake-front property is blissfully peaceful, offers more than 100 spa treatments, and is the perfect place to relax and recharge alone, as a couple, or in a group. Jared and I have escaped to
Read MoreHow to Keep School Lunches Interesting

We’re a few months into the school year, and if you’re anything like me, packing lunches for the kids every day is getting O-L-D. I want to be that mom who packs something healthy, colorful, and exciting every day of the week, but it is so much harder than it looks! For school lunch inspiration and advice, I reached out to one of the best school lunch packers in the
Read MoreMy Favorite Cold-Weather Workout Gear

I’ve professed my love for working out in the outdoors here before, and that remains true even in the winter. When I go for a run or hike outside, even when it’s freezing cold, it feels less like a chore and more like an adventure. But I’ve learned the hard way that if you’re going to get your sweat on outside when the temps drop below 50, you need to have
Read More9 Things on My Fall Bucket List

I love this time of year. The weather is finally getting cooler, which means I can pull out my boots, sweaters and jackets (layering makes me so happy!), watch as the leaves change from green to yellow to orange, and cozy up with my family over hearty stews and roasted root vegetables. I also love that it reminds me to be more present and enjoy family time before we launch
Read MoreSoup Recipes To Warm The Season

To me, there is no better comfort food than a bowl of homemade soup. It reminds me of snowy winter days in Idaho and my mom’s caring hands. She would sauté aromatic vegetables, letting all the ingredients simmer and marinate while we were away at school until they made a delicious, rich broth. Coming in from the cold to the finished pot on the stove felt like such a treat,
Read MoreRunning with purpose- The Boston Marathon!

Who What When Where WHY?? Good questions. I asked myself the same thing when my husband, Jared, decided to run the Seattle Marathon last Thanksgiving. The whole thing was decided on a whim, something that our friend Misha schemed up in passing, and the next thing I knew he (and several other gullible suckers) were signed up for 26.2 miles of torture. Being the decidedly more practical of our pair,
Read MoreAll the Lessons 2018 Taught Me

Happy New Year! The start of a new year always makes me reflect on the last year and what a year 2018 turned out to be… My sweet daughter turned one whole year old. My eldest lost FOUR teeth and won his first medal in his first chess tournament. My middle learned to ride a bike without training wheels and began to write and read. We took the boys on
Read MoreThe Skincare Must-Have for Your Christmas List

Skincare is important to me. Clean skin is non-negotiable, but so is time management. With three kids under six, I don’t have an hour to spend in front of the mirror applying creams and serums when I’m yelling at my tribe to brush their teeth. I use a good face cleanser and moisturizer, but, let’s face it, sometimes “clean skin” means grabbing a makeup wipe and crashing right into bed.
Read MoreWhat the Gluten

I’m not one to give into fads of any kind. I find that when something is gaining a lot of chatter it usually makes me question the validity of it. I’m also not one to jump on the band wagon with everyone else, because I believe diets are designed to fail. If everyone is veering left, I usually end up going right. I kinda have a bit of a rebellious
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