It’s been a rough year-plus for moms everywhere. I’ve put together a quick list of items to shower the women in your life with love on Mother’s Day.
Read MoreNeed Parenting Help, Will Travel

I’m fascinated by Michaeleen Doucleff’s new book, HUNT, GATHER, PARENT, so I was thrilled to chat with her and learn more about the parenting tips she learned around the world.
Read MoreHow to Set Children Up For Virtual School Success

We talked to Allie Ticktin, who has her doctorate in occupational therapy and is the founder of @play2progress, on how to set children up for virtual school success.
Read MoreParenting Through a Pandemic

When I first started this blog, I wrote about how I wished we’d all stop the mom shaming. (And yes, for some reason it’s always mom shaming, not dad shaming!) So I was thrilled when I heard that Lindsay Powers, who was editor in chief of Yahoo Parenting when they created the #NoShameParenting movement, wrote a book. Called You Can’t F*ck Up Your Kids, the book is a research-based, judgment-free
Read More6 Nature Livestreams We Love

As the quarantine days tick by, I’ve been wishing I was back at Nimmo Bay. My boys and I took a trip of a lifetime there in the fall, where we escaped into the wilderness and saw grizzly bears, humpback whales, jellyfish and more. Since most of us are stuck at home these days, it’s even more important to turn off the news and get outside. And if you can’t
Read MoreHow to Keep School Lunches Interesting

We’re a few months into the school year, and if you’re anything like me, packing lunches for the kids every day is getting O-L-D. I want to be that mom who packs something healthy, colorful, and exciting every day of the week, but it is so much harder than it looks! For school lunch inspiration and advice, I reached out to one of the best school lunch packers in the
Read MoreDIY: Feathered Halloween Masks

Confession: I’m a huge stan of Martha Stewart. I used to hoard all her magazines growing up and could spend hours flipping through the pages. She has this inner toughness mixed with femininity that I admire. Not to mention all those amazing crafts! I’ve always found crafting fun and relaxing, especially when the items you make, like these Halloween masks, are pretty and usable. My friend Virginia Davidson saw these
Read More9 Things on My Fall Bucket List

I love this time of year. The weather is finally getting cooler, which means I can pull out my boots, sweaters and jackets (layering makes me so happy!), watch as the leaves change from green to yellow to orange, and cozy up with my family over hearty stews and roasted root vegetables. I also love that it reminds me to be more present and enjoy family time before we launch
Read MoreAll the Lessons 2018 Taught Me

Happy New Year! The start of a new year always makes me reflect on the last year and what a year 2018 turned out to be… My sweet daughter turned one whole year old. My eldest lost FOUR teeth and won his first medal in his first chess tournament. My middle learned to ride a bike without training wheels and began to write and read. We took the boys on
Read MoreSimple Ways to Practice Gratitude

Thanksgiving gives us the opportunity to pause, sit down, and reflect on what we are thankful for. Every Thanksgiving, like many of you, my family has a tradition of going around the table to say what we’re grateful for. (Me? I’m most thankful when someone else does the cooking.) I know it’s a little cliché, but it’s a sweet ritual and I look forward to hearing what the boys come
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