In celebration of cooler temps and the changing season, I’ve rounded up six fall cocktail recipes from some of my favorite people, places, and publications.
Read MoreHoliday Gift Guide

21 gift ideas for grown ups and kids that help us focus on creating joyful memories with the ones we love.
Read MoreCreating a Tablecloth of Gratitude

No matter how planned the day is, Thanksgiving always feels so frantic. This year, I wanted to create a personal touch that could be a conversation starter and sweet contribution to our Thanksgiving and allow our family some time to reflect on the year. Since I love home decor and tablescapes centered around fall and family, I had the idea to make a gratitude tablecloth. It’s easy to lose sight
Read More9 Ways to Reduce Holiday Hosting Stress

In case you missed my confession last year, I’m known as The Grinch of Thanksgiving dinner. I love the actual holiday—having the whole family together and reflecting on what we’re grateful for. The rest of it, not so much. All of the planning, cleaning, and cooking (especially making sure the turkey and all the other dishes are done at the same time) stresses me out! I’m in awe of people who
Read MoreDIY: Feathered Halloween Masks

Confession: I’m a huge stan of Martha Stewart. I used to hoard all her magazines growing up and could spend hours flipping through the pages. She has this inner toughness mixed with femininity that I admire. Not to mention all those amazing crafts! I’ve always found crafting fun and relaxing, especially when the items you make, like these Halloween masks, are pretty and usable. My friend Virginia Davidson saw these
Read More9 Things on My Fall Bucket List

I love this time of year. The weather is finally getting cooler, which means I can pull out my boots, sweaters and jackets (layering makes me so happy!), watch as the leaves change from green to yellow to orange, and cozy up with my family over hearty stews and roasted root vegetables. I also love that it reminds me to be more present and enjoy family time before we launch
Read MoreNovember Lit List

Oops—I’ve been so focused on running the Seattle half marathon that I forgot to post my November Lit List. I think I’m still on a runner’s high. The adrenaline rush I felt crossing that finish line was incredible and I’m already fantasizing about where to run my next race. But first, I’m ready to give my body a break and curl up on the couch with a good book. Here

Is it really November already?! I can’t believe how fast fall has flown by. Between carpools, the boy’s weekend sports and mommy & me play dates with my baby, it’s hard to remember to slow down and enjoy the little things. One of my favorite little things about this time of year: sweater weather. Growing up in Montana and Idaho, I learned to embrace the chill and love an excuse
Read MoreScary-Easy Halloween Recipes

I love the idea of a DIY Halloween party, of Martha Stewart-ing every last detail of my kids’ favorite holiday. But the sad truth is: I’m kinda terrible at it. I can admire a curated Pinterest board of perfectly decorated spider cupcakes and handmade costumes as much as the next mom, but “craftsy” is not a word I’d use to describe myself. Unfortunately for me, my kids are begging for
Read MoreHappy Hour: Fall for This Spiked Mulled Cider

Nothing says fall like apples—especially mulled apple cider spiked with bourbon. This is my go-to autumn cocktail. It’s insanely easy to make, perfect for big gatherings and its warm spices make my house smell ahh-mazing. We’re having a bunch of families over before we commence trick-or-treating this year and I’m already planning to have a pot of this stuff on hand. Simply heat up the apple cider in a slow
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