Christmas is less than two weeks away! (How did that happen?!) If you’re feeling behind on your shopping, you’re in luck! I have compiled a holiday gift guide full of things I love or have on my Santa list, as well as items I think men or kids will love. Even better: These gifts start at $15, so you’ll find plenty of steals as well as splurges. Keep reading for
Read MoreMy Guide To Hacking The Holidays With Mastercard On File

You know that person who has all their Christmas cards sent, gifts bought and presents wrapped to perfection under the tree by the first week of December? Um, yeah…that is NOT me. I wish it were. I so want to be that person who doesn’t procrastinate and gets the holiday prep done way ahead of schedule, but every year the weeks between Thanksgiving and Christmas feel shorter and shorter. I’m
Read MoreHomemade Salt Dough Ornaments

Salt dough ornaments are one of those crafts that look easy and fun to make…and they actually ARE. They also keep my kids occupied for hours, which feels like a major parenting win during the chaos of Christmas. In between sports and school they plop down at the table and pick up a brush and paint the ornaments. I’ve been letting my OCD guard down and leaving the drop cloth
Read MoreSimple Christmas Craft: Orange Pomanders

I’d completely forgotten about these until I came across a drawing in one of Odette’s illustrated books of a beautiful Christmas fireplace mantel adorned with old-fashioned clove-studded oranges. Could we make a fun activity out of making these together? Is this even achievable?? Google to the rescue and YES! Turns out the word “pomander” comes from the French term “pomme de ambre” which means, eloquently, amber-scented ball. Centuries ago, citrus
Read MoreChristmas Gift Guide

It’s officially gift-giving season and I am officially WAY behind on my Christmas shopping. In hopes of getting organized and inspired, I pulled together 50+ ideas for all your gifting needs. Some are splurges, some are steals. Some we already have in our home and others are things I wouldn’t mind finding for myself under the Christmas Tree (hint hint, Jared). I hope you’ll find some unexpected gifts you can
Read MoreDecorate Your Christmas Tree Like a Pro

Ever wonder how magazines and department stores decorate a picture-perfect tree? I turned to my dear friend and designer extraordinaire, Virginia Davidson, for answers. Her impeccable taste has never steered me wrong. And I love that she proves that you can still have a gorgeous tree without ditching all the sentimental, sometimes kitschy, things that make Christmas trees so special in the first place. Because while sparkling glass ornaments are
Read MoreHoliday Clothes Shopping With Amazon Fashion Prime Wardrobe

With three small kids and a husband who works the week in a foreign country, clothes shopping can be a bit of a challenge these days (and probably explains why Odette mainly wears her brother’s hand-me-downs). Lugging the kids to the mall to try anything on kinda feels like the tenth circle of parenting hell. And it inevitably leads to a sympathy purchase after one of my children accidentally breaks
Read MoreSimple Ways to Practice Gratitude

Thanksgiving gives us the opportunity to pause, sit down, and reflect on what we are thankful for. Every Thanksgiving, like many of you, my family has a tradition of going around the table to say what we’re grateful for. (Me? I’m most thankful when someone else does the cooking.) I know it’s a little cliché, but it’s a sweet ritual and I look forward to hearing what the boys come
Read MoreHow to De-Stress Your Thanksgiving

I have a confession: I’m sort of known as The Grinch of Thanksgiving dinner. I know, I know! I love the ritual of the entire family gathering around the table to show gratitude for all the good things in our lives. But actually preparing all the food is stressful and I’ve just never been a big fan of the traditional Thanksgiving foods. There, I said it. Luckily, I know a
Read MoreNew Year, New Look with Amazon Fashion

Thanks Amazon Fashion for sponsoring this post! ‘Tis the season for gingerbread houses, giving back, and holiday parties. So many holiday parties. Friends, family, school, co-workers–everyone is having a get-together and every get together needs a new outfit. It can be exhausting! In the past (aka, before I had three kids under six), I had time to hit the stores for last-minute looks procured in a pinch. But this year,
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