

family homestead wellness

Treating Our World With Little Acts of Love on Earth Day

Seven years ago, my world changed forever.  Having Thomas, our first baby, made me more aware of my relationship to our world, and how our beautiful planet would need to not only provide for our children, but for our children’s children. Having kids made me aware of everything around me from the products I used in our home to the way we looked at consumption, our use of plastics, and

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homestead recipes

Sunday Brunch Series: Lemon Ricotta Pancakes and Strawberry Mimosas

lemon ricotta pancakes with strawberry sauce by lindsay johnson of lady in the wild west for gen padalecki of now & gen wife of jared padalecki

Starting today, I will be hosting a brunch blog every 1st Sunday of the month. Excited? I am! The blog will be led by and feature recipes from one of my favorite friends and foodies Lindsey Johnson! I met Lindsey when she came to visit my apartment roommate while I was a freshman in college. We became fast friends. Though we live in different parts of the country (she lives

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family homestead recipes wellness

Quick Family Meals for Busy Parents: Blue Apron’s Meal Delivery Service to Save the Day!

Listen up, busy bees… I’m partnering up with Blue Apron to give your kitchens something exciting! When you are as busy as I am, sometimes the simplest tasks can be difficult to do. (There are days when I forget to wash my face…yes, it happens!). The hardest part of being on-the-go? Skimping on dinner. I truly love to cook, and being able to make a healthy meal brings me such

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homestead love

It’s My Birthday…Drum Roll Please!

It’s my birthday, drum roll please!  Cue the balloons, confetti, and have the parade ready to march down the street.  I mean, is this what I should expect to happen today? That the clouds will part and the sun’s rays will shine directly down on me to say, “HELLO WORLD! IT’S MY DAY!”?  No, today isn’t about all that hoopla.  It’s not about cake and presents and singing.  A birthday

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homestead love

Setting Intentions for the New Year

Do you make resolutions at the beginning of every new year? Personally, I’m not a big “resolutions” person because 1) I often like to break the rules, and 2) I think they set us up for failure. This year, I’ve decided to set “intentions” instead. Intentions stem from the word “intend,” which by definition means to have a course of action as one’s purpose or objective. Essentially, an intention is

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family homestead love recipes

Last Minute DIY Delectables

Christmas is here and we’re coming up close to crunch time. Behind on making desserts for a holiday party or creating edible gifts? It happens. There is a solution: homemade goodies. I turned to my friend Lindsey Johnson (peep her Insta, @ladyinthewildwest) who happens to be one of my favorite creative bakers, and enlisted her to help with some last minute delectables that you too can make at home. I love

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family homestead

BISSELL Through The Holidays

During the holidays, my house becomes a little bit chaotic. There are gingerbread houses being built on the table, cookies in the oven, kids crafts happening after school, and wrapping paper sprawling across every surface. It’s a lot to handle. What I don’t need to handle? The aftermath of holiday activities spilling all over the rug. I love my kids, but they can be like little cyclones going from room

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homestead love

Giving Back with Volvo

The holidays are upon us and so is the season of giving. I love giving gifts to family and friends, but I love giving to those in need more. I am so blessed with all that I have and there is nothing like sharing those blessings with others. It’s important to me that my children understand the importance of giving back. Though the boys may be young and Odette still

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Busting Out the BISSELL

If you’re a dog owner like me, you know there are so many qualities to our furry friends that make them part of the family. The unconditional love, the way they light up a room, the way they snuggle up to you on the couch during a good movie or while reading a book. They’re cuddly, loyal, and lovable. Arlo, our family’s golden retriever, is a bona fide part of

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family homestead shop

Holiday Gifting for the Busy Mama

  During the holidays, I refer to my home as the “house of chaos.” Whether the kids are decorating a gingerbread house or looking to curl up on the couch for a cozy read, don’t mistake these holiday pastimes for moments of creativity and calm. Somehow, holiday mayhem prevails. Messes are made, books go missing, sprinkles get spilled on the floor. Any mamas out there feel me? As a mother

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