In case you missed my confession last year, I’m known as The Grinch of Thanksgiving dinner. I love the actual holiday—having the whole family together and reflecting on what we’re grateful for. The rest of it, not so much. All of the planning, cleaning, and cooking (especially making sure the turkey and all the other dishes are done at the same time) stresses me out! I’m in awe of people who
Read MoreFall Recipe: Pickled Apples and Pears

I’ve been trying to limit our food waste. So, when we recently had an abundance of apples and pears that I didn’t know what to do with, I reached out to my chef friend Brock Lane for ideas. His suggestion: PICKLE them. Say what? I’d never thought to pickle fruit, but I did it and I have to say, the results were delicious and gorgeous.
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Weekend Reset: A Living Room Campout

This chilly Austin weather has got us a feeling a little stir crazy, so I decided to bring a little of the outside inside for an indoor campout. The kids couldn’t get enough and it was just what we needed to reconnect after a busy week.
Read MoreHow to Keep School Lunches Interesting

We’re a few months into the school year, and if you’re anything like me, packing lunches for the kids every day is getting O-L-D. I want to be that mom who packs something healthy, colorful, and exciting every day of the week, but it is so much harder than it looks! For school lunch inspiration and advice, I reached out to one of the best school lunch packers in the
Read MoreWhat’s On My Nightstand

Your bedroom should be a relaxing sanctuary. Here are seven items I keep on my nightstand to promote a good night’s sleep.
Read MoreFrosted Pretzels Recipe

A quick, fun, easy dessert or snack recipe that you and your kiddos will love.
Read MoreDIY: Feathered Halloween Masks

Confession: I’m a huge stan of Martha Stewart. I used to hoard all her magazines growing up and could spend hours flipping through the pages. She has this inner toughness mixed with femininity that I admire. Not to mention all those amazing crafts! I’ve always found crafting fun and relaxing, especially when the items you make, like these Halloween masks, are pretty and usable. My friend Virginia Davidson saw these
Read MoreMy Favorite Cold-Weather Workout Gear

I’ve professed my love for working out in the outdoors here before, and that remains true even in the winter. When I go for a run or hike outside, even when it’s freezing cold, it feels less like a chore and more like an adventure. But I’ve learned the hard way that if you’re going to get your sweat on outside when the temps drop below 50, you need to have
Read MoreMy 6 Makeup Bag Essentials

Wherever I go—from carpool to New York Fashion Week or adventuring in the Great Bear Rainforest—there are some makeup essentials I never leave home without. I’ve always loved playing with makeup, but I typically have about five minutes to get ready before one of my kids starts calling for me (or climbing on me like a jungle gym). So…makeup essentials to me are beauty products that help me look and
Read MoreHow to Make Beeswax Reusable Food Wraps

You guys know I’m having a love affair with our bees. We’re still feasting on the delicious honey we harvested a few months ago, and I’m creating care packages with honey and beeswax items for my friends and family for the holidays (shhh!). One of my favorite items we’ve DIYed is beeswax reusable food wraps. They’re the perfect green alternative to plastic, and so easy to make! We use the wraps
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