The holidays have arrived! One of the things that makes me smile during the holidays is the act of giving and I really enjoy being thoughtful with my giving. I try and take mental notes of things that excite or have thrilled me in hopes that they may bring joy to someone I hold dear. I’ve pulled together a list of things that I love, want to love or have
Read MoreThe Skincare Must-Have for Your Christmas List

Skincare is important to me. Clean skin is non-negotiable, but so is time management. With three kids under six, I don’t have an hour to spend in front of the mirror applying creams and serums when I’m yelling at my tribe to brush their teeth. I use a good face cleanser and moisturizer, but, let’s face it, sometimes “clean skin” means grabbing a makeup wipe and crashing right into bed.
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BISSELL Through The Holidays

During the holidays, my house becomes a little bit chaotic. There are gingerbread houses being built on the table, cookies in the oven, kids crafts happening after school, and wrapping paper sprawling across every surface. It’s a lot to handle. What I don’t need to handle? The aftermath of holiday activities spilling all over the rug. I love my kids, but they can be like little cyclones going from room
Read MoreGiving Back with Volvo

The holidays are upon us and so is the season of giving. I love giving gifts to family and friends, but I love giving to those in need more. I am so blessed with all that I have and there is nothing like sharing those blessings with others. It’s important to me that my children understand the importance of giving back. Though the boys may be young and Odette still
Read MoreBusting Out the BISSELL

If you’re a dog owner like me, you know there are so many qualities to our furry friends that make them part of the family. The unconditional love, the way they light up a room, the way they snuggle up to you on the couch during a good movie or while reading a book. They’re cuddly, loyal, and lovable. Arlo, our family’s golden retriever, is a bona fide part of
Read MoreHoliday Gifting for the Busy Mama

During the holidays, I refer to my home as the “house of chaos.” Whether the kids are decorating a gingerbread house or looking to curl up on the couch for a cozy read, don’t mistake these holiday pastimes for moments of creativity and calm. Somehow, holiday mayhem prevails. Messes are made, books go missing, sprinkles get spilled on the floor. Any mamas out there feel me? As a mother
Read MoreSimple’s Transition to Solids by Nicole Tubiola

Hey Guys! Here’s Part Two of my dear friend Nicole Tubiola’s Guest Blog. We met during our WILDFIRE days, and she came to my rescue to help me transition Odette into the solid food phase. Nicole runs a company called Simple that prepares baby meals for busy mamas in their homes and leaves these meals in their freezers. She created this amazing video with instructions below on how to cook and
Read MoreGift List: My Winter Essentials In One Box

‘Tis the season! Which also means holiday shopping. I’m obsessed with finding just the right thing for just the right person, and the task is daunting. Over the years, I’ve found that picking out toys for my three children is relatively easy compared to shopping for my friends. What do you get the girls who have everything? Luckily I know a super cute one-stop-shop to end the struggle and save

I have to be honest, Thanksgiving is probably my least favorite of all the holidays. The prep work leading up to a dinner where we sit and gorge until I feel sick sounds like a nightmare. I get anxious thinking about timing a turkey just right and sautéing vegetables that will compliment the aroma of the wine. So unfortunately, I don’t have much insight or festive and colorful thanksgiving cheer.
Read MoreHappy, Healthy Home: My Go-To Natural Cleaning Products

I like to think about my home in the same, conscious way I think about my meals – I like my products as green and clean as possible. Often, we remove chemicals from our beauty routines or the produce we eat, while we ingest a ton of chemicals and environmental pollutants in our homes. Which is why I like all-natural, safe and healthy cleaning products. The days of toxic bleach
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