shop style

It’s Sweater Weather!

It’s February, which means the weather is chilly, but the mood is warm. If you’ve been following along, you know I spent all of January in Vancouver with a handful of weekend trips to Whistler. Every day, it felt like I was reaching into my closet for another sweater to add to my rotation! Soft, cozy sweaters weather cools down sweaters (especially paired with some jeans) are my uniform of

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shop wellness

12 Books to Read This Year

I love Sundays.  Mainly because I love a good brunch, but I love a good brunch with my Sunday paper. One of my favorite Sunday morning rituals is reading the New York Times Book Review.  I’m a sucker for the musty, inky copy paper smell and I love the gothic font lettering.  I enjoy what new books are being released out into the world and the challenge to tackle some

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shop style

Step Into Comfort with Amazon Fashion

Now that the holidays are over and the new year is already running rampant, January is a month of holiday recovery with a good book and a hot cup of tea. I love getting on my comfy clothes, laying in bed, and reading during Austin’s rainy season. Being cozy is also the perfect time to take out the laptop and do a little online shopping. Amazon Fashion is the best

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shop wellness

Easy Sheet Masks for Mama “Me Time”

Life is pretty hectic lately.  Our family has been on the road and in an out of airplanes, which for me means sad, dry, tired skin. As I’ve said before, I look for products that are naturally based. From household items to skincare, I think differently about what I buy with three kids under 6 touching everything I use around the house (sometimes that includes my beauty products). So when

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family love wellness

Hear Us Roar: Reflections on the Women’s March

It’s been one year since the 2017 Women’s March. Last year following January 21, 2017, I  could hear rumblings and tremors in the air for what felt like months. The earth felt like it was in the midst of an aftershock. Unlike a lot of causes where there is excitement followed by a lull, the Women’s March fueled and fanned a conflagration.  It ignited voices, hearts, feelings, passions, and unity.

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shop style

Daily Wardrobe Fix with My Amazon Echo Look

Thank you Amazon Fashion and Echo Look for sponsoring this post. I have two stylists. Their names are Tom and Shep. Even though they can’t tell the difference between designer clothes and my PJ’s, the two do a pretty good job. All I need is a quick thumbs up or thumbs down, and I’m ready to go. Who am I kidding? They’re awful critics. They love me most in my

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homestead love

It’s My Birthday…Drum Roll Please!

It’s my birthday, drum roll please!  Cue the balloons, confetti, and have the parade ready to march down the street.  I mean, is this what I should expect to happen today? That the clouds will part and the sun’s rays will shine directly down on me to say, “HELLO WORLD! IT’S MY DAY!”?  No, today isn’t about all that hoopla.  It’s not about cake and presents and singing.  A birthday

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homestead love

Setting Intentions for the New Year

Do you make resolutions at the beginning of every new year? Personally, I’m not a big “resolutions” person because 1) I often like to break the rules, and 2) I think they set us up for failure. This year, I’ve decided to set “intentions” instead. Intentions stem from the word “intend,” which by definition means to have a course of action as one’s purpose or objective. Essentially, an intention is

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New Year, New Look with Amazon Fashion

Thanks Amazon Fashion for sponsoring this post! ‘Tis the season for gingerbread houses, giving back, and holiday parties. So many holiday parties. Friends, family, school, co-workers–everyone is having a get-together and every get together needs a new outfit. It can be exhausting! In the past (aka, before I had three kids under six), I had time to hit the stores for last-minute looks procured in a pinch. But this year,

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family homestead love recipes

Last Minute DIY Delectables

Christmas is here and we’re coming up close to crunch time. Behind on making desserts for a holiday party or creating edible gifts? It happens. There is a solution: homemade goodies. I turned to my friend Lindsey Johnson (peep her Insta, @ladyinthewildwest) who happens to be one of my favorite creative bakers, and enlisted her to help with some last minute delectables that you too can make at home. I love

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